Six new members have been appointed to the Trinity College Board of Trustees. They officially begin their terms on July 1, 2024.

所有的新理事都是校友,其中三位是校友的父母. They are: Diane “Dede” DePatie Consoli ’88, P’19, ’22, James William “Jim” Cuminale ’75, P’09, Charity Elder ’00, Amanda Kauff Jacobson ’94, Joshua P. Newsome ’95, P’22, and Joanna Jeanne Scott ’82.

Read more about them below.

Diane “Dede” DePatie Consoli ’88, P’19, ’22

Diane “Dede” DePatie Consoli ’88, P’19, ’22

Dede DePatie Consoli ’88, P’19, ’22 owns Boxtree Interiors, an interior design firm based in New Canaan, Connecticut, that focuses on residential and commercial design. 她的早期职业生涯是在服装行业度过的,后来升任Nautica Sportswear的副总裁. Consoli是Westerly Hospital Foundation的董事会成员,也是罗德岛Quonochontaug Central Beach Fire区的董事会成员. 她曾担任New Canaan Country School的董事会和董事会成员.

Consoli, who earned a B.A. 现为全球十大网赌正规平台基金副主席. 她曾在全球十大网赌正规平台校友会(前全国校友会)的理事会和执行委员会任职,并担任家长董事. 康索利也是妇女领导委员会创始委员会的成员,也是三一壁球校友委员会的创始成员. In addition, she has volunteered as an admissions ambassador, alumni interviewer, class president, class agent, and Elms Society ambassador. 2018年,她被授予学院的校友卓越奖章.

Consoli and her husband, Victor ’87, 住在新迦南和Quonochontaug,有两个女儿19岁的Olivia和22岁的Grace. The family’s ties to the College run deep; Consoli’s late father, Thomas DePatie ’52, was a trustee, and a brother-in-law, Rob Buffum ’77, and a cousin, Peter DePatie ’86, also graduated from Trinity.

James W. Cuminale ’75, P’09

James W. Cuminale ’75, P’09

James W. Cuminale serves as senior advisor at PJT Partners, 一家金融服务和并购咨询公司, 他之前在哪里担任合伙人和总法律顾问. Prior to joining PJT, 他曾担任尼尔森公司的首席法律官, the world’s leading market research firm. Before Nielsen, Cuminale是PanAmSat的执行副总裁兼总法律顾问, the world’s leading carrier of TV channels. Prior to that, he was a partner at Ivey, Barnum & O’Mara in Greenwich, Connecticut.

Cuminale以优异的成绩从全球十大网赌正规平台毕业.A. in history and went on to earn a J.D. from Vanderbilt University Law School. 除了在2015年至2023年期间担任全球十大网赌正规平台董事会成员, he was a member of the College’s Board of Fellows. Cuminale also established an endowed scholarship, the Cuminale Family Scholarship Fund, to support students at Trinity. 其他社区参与包括担任范德比尔特大学法学院顾问委员会成员和主席, 作为格林威治教育委员会的成员和主席, 担任格林尼治社会服务委员会主席和美国红十字会格林尼治分会董事会主席.

Cuminale and his wife, Cynthia A. Cuminale P’09, reside in Darien, Connecticut. Their daughter, Jennifer ’09, is a Trinity alumna.

Charity Elder ’00

Trustee Charity Elder ’00
Charity Elder ’00

Charity C. Elder, 福特汉姆大学传播与媒体研究系讲师, 是一位在广播和数字新闻编辑部工作了20多年、屡获殊荣的记者和媒体高管吗. 她曾担任迈克·布隆伯格总统竞选活动的高级顾问, strategizing ways to engage the Black community. Prior to that, she was head of video and podcasts for Yahoo News, 带领一支创新的制作人团队,在沉浸式新闻时代重新定义新闻. 埃尔德的职业生涯是从获得艾美奖的早间节目开始的,她曾在NBC新闻和CBS新闻工作,报道国家重要新闻, including politics and natural disasters. In 2016, she was named to Folio 杂志的顶级媒体女性名单,2017年,她被纽约媒体选中并被介绍 The Vanguard: Women in Media. 埃尔德最近出版了她的第一本非虚构作品, Power: The Rise of Black Women in America (Skyhorse/Simon & Schuster).

Elder graduated with honors with a B.A. in sociology from Trinity and an M.A. 纽约大学大众传播与新闻专业毕业. 她在耶利米计划的国家管理委员会任职, 一个旨在打破单身母亲和她们的孩子一次两代贫困循环的非营利组织. 她也是Trinity’s Board of Fellows的前成员.


Amanda Kauff Jacobson ’94

Trustee Amanda Kauff Jacobson ’94
Amanda Kauff Jacobson ’94

阿曼达·雅各布森(Amanda Jacobson)是非营利组织的领导者,在几个董事会担任职务. 除了她在全球十大网赌正规平台董事会的角色, she serves on the board of Camp Sloane YMCA, which she attended for 13 years, and the Sconset Trust. 她还志愿为荷兰公园之友服务, the West London Synagogue, and Ubuntu Pathways. 雅各布森此前曾在全球十大网赌正规平台的研究员委员会任职.

Jacobson earned a B.A. in art history from Trinity, spending part of her junior year in Florence, Italy, studying art history, architecture, and Italian language. 她在纽约的图书出版业工作了11年, 与迈克尔·克莱顿等作家合作, Bill Clinton, Haruki Murakami, and Anne Rice at firms including Random House, 她曾担任艾尔弗雷德A. Knopf, and St. 马丁出版社,在那里她担任全国客户经理.

In 2005, 雅各布森离开了她的出版事业,和丈夫一起搬到了伦敦, Blair; they continue to reside there with their two children.

Joshua P. Newsome ’95, P’22

Trustee Joshua P. Newsome ’95
Joshua P. Newsome ’95, P’22

乔希·纽瑟姆(Josh Newsome)是高盛(Goldman Sachs)的董事总经理, 领导着公司在美国最大的私人财富团队之一. He advises ultrahigh-net-worth families, privately held business owners, 以及非营利组织的资产配置和投资组合策略. 纽瑟姆于1996年加入高盛,担任芝加哥办事处的分析师,并于2013年被任命为现任职位. He earned a B.A. in classics from Trinity.

纽瑟姆还在几家非营利组织的董事会任职, including Scholarships for Illinois Residents, which helps send Illinois students to Trinity College; the Les Turner ALS Foundation; and the Church of the Holy Comforter in Kenilworth, Illinois.

纽瑟姆家有三代班塔姆家族成员. His late father-in-law, Grosvenor “Rick” Richardson graduated in 1960; his wife, Benagh Richardson Newsome, graduated in 1995; and daughter Addison Newsome graduated in 2022. 他和他的家人居住在伊利诺伊州的温内特卡和佛罗里达州的维罗海滩.

Joanna Jeanne Scott ’82

Trustee Joanna Jeanne Scott ’82
Joanna Jeanne Scott ’82

Joanna Scott ’82, 他是罗彻斯特大学的罗斯威尔·史密斯·巴罗斯英语教授. She has authored 13 works of fiction, and her accolades include a MacArthur Fellowship, a Lannan Literary Award, and a Guggenheim Fellowship.

Scott’s novel, The Manikin, 是普利策奖的决赛选手,她的故事被选为 Pushcart Prize anthologies and Best American Short Stories. Her most recent books are a novel, Careers for Women, and a collection of stories, Excuse Me While I Disappear. A book of interviews and profiles, Conversations with Joanna Scott, was published by University Press of Mississippi.

Scott earned a B.A. in English from Trinity and an M.A. from Brown University. She lives in Stonington, Connecticut, and Rochester, New York, and has two daughters, 凯瑟琳(2013年嫁给马克·迪·贝内代托)和爱丽丝. She met her late husband, the poet and literary critic James Longenbach ’81, while studying abroad at Trinity’s Rome Campus.